Learn how to get hired as a strength coach
Get our ten part strength & conditioning career development blueprint, sent straight to your inbox

The harsh reality is that 99% of strength and conditioning graduates NEVER coach in professional or elite sport. Most give up to become PE teachers or personal trainers. Those who stick with it usually end up competing with everyone else for low level jobs that pay terrible wages. If you want to be in the 1%, you have to take a different path. Just collecting your degree and industry accreditation is not going to cut it.

If you’re reading this, you’re a strength coach. Which means we don’t need to tell you how difficult it is to get ahead as a coach. With relentless competition for jobs, and the race to the bottom for wages, it can feel like you’re in a career dead end at times But you’re not alone. We’ve been there, and our community is on hand to help you.

Our staff and members at Strength Coach Network have a consistent track record of working at the highest levels of sport, consulting with elite teams and coaches all over the world, and positioned themselves to be able to pick the job they want, negotiate for the salary they want, and build greater financial security.

In short: we know what it takes to build a strength & conditioning career on your terms, and chase down your goals. Now we’ll share with you the system. Enter your email below and over this ten part course, we’ll teach you:

Enter your email below and over this ten part course you’ll learn: 
  • The systematic process we use to set and achieve goals
  • How to reverse engineer career development
  • What really matters during the application process
  • How to build a network of influential people who’ll go out to bat for you
  • How to get people to ASK you to interview- no more blindly applying for jobs
  • How to be focussed and strategic in climbing the career ladder
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