Climb the coaching ladder
Ten vital lessons for the developing strength coach, delivered direct to your inbox

The dirty secret of getting on the career ladder of strength & conditioning is that it’s all about who you know not what you know. If you’re known, liked and trusted by the right people and you’re enthusiastic, it’s actually pretty easy to land an internship and an entry level job as a strength coach. Of course the more strategic you are about this process, the faster you’ll get ahead. That’s why we wrote the career development blueprint.

But if you’re reading this, you already know this. You don’t want to know how to get on the coaching ladder because you’re already on it and it’s time to start climbing! Unfortunately the game has changed. Getting the first opportunity was all about who you knew. Converting that opportunity into career momentum and reaching the level of a head coach or director is all about what you know and getting results in the real world with your athletes.

This problem is compounded by the incredible disconnect between what gets taught on university and college campuses or by certifying bodies, and the knowledge and skill set that elite coaching actually requires. To say I use a tiny fraction of what I learned at University with my athletes would be the understatement of the year! If you’re relying on the usual sources of education and continuing professional development, you are in for a long road.

The best coaches and the fastest risers in this profession are those who cast the net wider and look to successful individuals within the field. If you want to get rich, speak to a self made millionaire not an economics professor. If you want to be an elite level coach, speak to someone who puts food on the table by producing results in the real world, not by writing papers. 

That’s why we’ve put together this 10 part developmental course for strength coaches just like you. These are the hard lessons I had to learn in the real world of coaching, the stuff I wasn’t taught at school or on courses, but made all the difference in my development as a coach, and helping me to rise up the ladder from being a bottom level assistant to coaching at the highest levels of international rugby in just a few seasons.

    Enter your email below and over this ten part course, we'll teach you: 

    • Understanding the true nature of coaching
    • How to precisely define and reverse engineer the demands of sport
    • Evaluating the biomotor, bioenergetic and biodynamic qualities than underpin athletic success
    • How transfer should influence exercise selection and progression
    • Flexible and effective ways to schedule training in all phases of the training year
    • Why an adaptable programme is fundamental to effective coaching, and what to do about it