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Author: Dr. Justin Lima | Posted: 9/24/2024 | Time to Read: 5 minutes

Part 2 of Why Our Titles NEED to be Strength and Conditioning Coach

If you are not a “coach” in this world you miss out on hundreds of thousands of dollars

We are jumping right into part two of this series on why we need to be classified as S&C coaches. For those who have not read part 1 - you need to click right here to read it. Alright, back to the action yall, this article will be right to the point…

NFL Strength and Conditioning Coaches

There is no secret these are the S&C coaches who are the top earners in our field (well them and P5 NCAA football). I did some research and of the 32 teams there are 10 that the S&C coaches are not listed under the coaching staff. These 10 organizations have the S&C staff listed under the front office. Sounds fine right? Not really. These 10 S&C staffs are listed under the front office because that is who they report to - the front office not the head coach. You might be saying to yourself, but Justin that is good for the coach, athletes, and organization. To you I say wrong, wrong, wrong. It might sound good that the S&C staff if not tied to the head coach because they report to and are tied to the front office - but that is a lie. How so?

When the S&C staff reports to the front office and not the head coach it seems like the S&C staff is safe from being let go when there is a coaching change. After all, as it appears on paper the S&C staff does not report to the head coach, therefore the new coach cannot evaluate and replace the S&C staff. Not so fast my friend. All this means is the head coach has to do some extra leg work to let go of the strength and conditioning staff.

NFL Finances Example

From the research I have done when S&C coaches in the NFL are not on coaches contracts (ex - when they are hired by and listed under the front office) they are on a June to June contract. Coaches contract runs from January to January. This all makes sense as you all know about the hiring time in January when it is a frenzy of coaches moving once the season is over and the head coaches get let go. Well there was an example in 2024 of a head S&C in the NFL being let go in June, rather than in January. This coach was sold, just like me, that they are tied to the organization and the head football coach cannot fire you. Sure not directly, but the head coach did to this head S&C in the NFL the same thing - back channeled and told the person who the head S&C reported to, to fire them. Now this coach is without a job because there are not S&C openings in the NFL (or P5 football) in the month of June or July.

Also, when these coaches are on the June to June contract they miss out on a HUGE portion of playoff bonuses. When coaches are on the Jan to Jan contract (the coaches contract) they are able to get these playoff bonuses. In the case of Super Bowl bonus we are talking north of $300,000! So not only do these June to June coaches miss out on larger portions of playoff bonuses - they get fired when they do not have the ability to get hired again.

College S&C Coach Misses Bonus Money 

This example of a S&C coach who was tied to the university not the head coach missed out on bowl bonuses when the team made it to the final 4 in FCS football. Every coach on staff (head, coordinators, and position) got a bonus when this team won their conference title and made it to the final 4. Did the head S&C make the bonus? Nope. They did not. Did they get to have all the security in the world that they would never get fired if there was a coaching change? Also no.

A Call To Unity 

This is why I firmly believe us football S&C coaches need to report to the head football coach and be on coaches contracts. Actually this should include any S&C coach who’s only duty is working with one team - so NBA, NHL, MLB. Or in the NCAA where some S&C coaches only work with men's/women’s basketball, wrestling, softball, or baseball. If as the S&C coach you only work with one team you need to be paid like the coaching staff. You get all the risk - being fired if no success - but you get all of the reward - bonus if winning. Is it volatile? Yup, but you know what you are getting into and your success is in your hands.

So to sum these articles up. We need to unite and all be strength and conditioning coaches. And for those working with only one team you need to be on sport coach contracts. To those 22 S&C staffs in the NFL, fight the good fight to not become like the other 10. If you need SCN to help you in any way shape or form please let us know at We can sign a NDA so we cannot legally tell anyone what you are telling us. We have had multiple NDAs come and leave our offices - please let us help you. It starts at the top, and if you in the NFL start to do this, I can see it trickle down to the P5 football, and then I can see that trickle to the other NCAA sports that have their own S&C.
