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Author: Justin Lima PhD | Posted: 5/16/2022 | Time to Read: minutes
Failure is your Key to Success
How to take a negative outcome and make it your best opportunity

No one likes to fail. Call it what it is. We are human and we want to succeed. Going to play the game? We want to win. Even in a sport like baseball where the failure rate is >70% no one goes up there hoping to strike out. They understand that it can happen. And that it is part of the process. But no one goes up there wanting to strike out. They all go up trying to put the ball into play.

That is what we do as humans. We want to succeed so we can make the world around us better. The one problem is we don’t see that failure actually makes us, and the world around us better. See, without failure there can not be success. The world needs yin and yang. Without one there can’t be the other.

A major problem in sports is failure is not seen as an option by coaches. This is seen with glorified speeches in movies – then gets bastardized by sports coaches. Not only is this literally insane (copying a movie – typically fictitious event). It leave the athletes (typically young kids or teens) with a skewed view of reality. Because we said. Failure is part of the process of life.

Literally no one is perfect. So why instill this perfection mindset into kids where failure is not an option. We are not saying to go up to the plate and try to strike out – or intentionally lose the game. Rather, we are suggesting to accept it as a possible outcome. Then, control all the events leading up the potential success/failure – to best steer in the direction of success.

Life experience essential for coaching.

Coaching is a profession that requires a unique set of skills and qualities. It is not just about having knowledge or expertise in a particular field, but also about being able to interact, communicate, motivate, support, and reassure people. To be a good coach, one needs to have some life experience, which takes time to develop. There is no secret sauce or quick one-step approach to being a good coach. It requires exposure to a variety of experiences to develop into a rounded human being.

Unfortunately, coaching is not suitable for everybody. It requires a certain type of personality to be happy to commit time, energy, and effort to make somebody else appear better and perform better. It also requires adaptability, flexibility, resilience, and robustness, both physically and psychologically. It is not an easy job to do, and sometimes it can be demoralizing and demotivating. If one is feeling this way, then they are in the wrong job, and they need to consider changing it.

Moreover, coaching is not a profession that seeks fame, fortune, or wealth. It requires an approach where one is sometimes quite happy to selfishly commit their time, energy, and effort to make somebody else perform better, and they are not going to take any credit for that. It takes a certain type of personality to be happy to do that. However, many people in this profession are not those people.

To be successful in the coaching environment, one needs to have actual experience working with somebody and doing it at a point where they are probably not getting paid for their services. It is not about being knowledgeable or winning stuff or being famous. The orientation of where to go or why to do something is blurred, and people do not even know why they are in this profession or why they want to stay there.

Life experience is essential for coaching. It is not just about having knowledge or expertise in a particular field, but also about being able to interact, communicate, motivate, support, and reassure people. Coaching requires adaptability, flexibility, resilience, and robustness, both physically and psychologically. It is not an easy job to do, and sometimes it can be demoralizing and demotivating. To be successful in the coaching environment, one needs to have actual experience working with somebody and doing it at a point where they are probably not getting paid for their services.

In the end no one can fully control the outcome of any event. Coaches can use their knowledge on a topic to help their athletes prepare. But in no way can they ensure success for the athlete. This is why coaches need to prepare their athletes for failure. That way when failure does show up in an athlete’s life they are prepared to handle it. For even more on this topic check out this video below.
