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Author: Keir Wenham-Flatt | Posted: 9/18/2020 | Time to Read: minutes

Creating a High-Performance Life with Erik Korem PhD

Erik Korem PhD is a high-performance expert. Having worked at some of the biggest organizations such as Florida State, Kentucky, and Houston Texans. Erik started out as the first sports scientist in America and progressed to becoming a high-performance director. Erik was also the first to introduce player tracking technology into American Football. This led to a key lesson for Erik ‘data without insight is meaningless’. You must be willing to offer a recommendation once you have collected data. The insight provided by the data and the following recommendations had a huge impact on player availability and led to Erik getting a visit from the NFL. But Erik wanted to help as many people as possible and got tired of his career being dictated by someone that may or may not be good at their job. These lessons have resulted in Erik founding his own company, AIM7. AIM7 takes the data from a user’s wearable, such as an Apple watch, and provides actionable recommendations based on your goals.

Watch below to hear the whole story.
