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Strength Coach Network Fundamentals 1 & 2 Bundle:

Bundle our two flagship courses and SAVE on your education! Not only will you get access to over 40 hours of self paced education on: speed, power, strength, hypertrophy, agility, jumps, vision training, plyometrics, and MUCH MORE, you will be able to complete 4.0 of your CEUs when you finish the course and learning check.

You will be able to learn from some of the biggest and brightest names in the field of strength and conditioning like Dr. Bryan Mann, Jake Tuura, Cam Josse, Zach Decant, and others.

Moreover, your CEU $ will go further for you and your department as you will be able to have access to this longer than a one time conference event. Giving you even more bang for your buck.

Lets dive into EXACTLY what you will get with each course....

Fundamentals 1:

No matter what the stage of your Strength & Conditioning career, from the lowliest intern to the Performance Director operating at the highest level of sport you can always improve your education. 

Once you think you know it all you have lost. Continual progression is KEY at ANY level of coach:

  • Established
  • Assistant 
  • Director

Across all levels of sport:
      • High school 
      • College/University 
      • Professional 
      • Tactical 
      • Private 
      Coach education that serves the coach

      Every coach needs a coach. Even those coaches at the highest level of strength and conditioning need a mentor to take their skill to the next level. What got you here will NOT get you there.

      At Strength Coach Network we firmly believe that the best coaches are ones who have experience doing the thing. All of our presenters inside of this course earned their living working with athletes. They have combined to work in sport for over 100 years across professional sport to NCAA Division 1.

      These are biggest problems coaches actually face:
      • Athletes are getting hurt in the field or on the court, not the gym.
      • Athletes' training isn't transferring to the field or court, not the gym.
      • Athletes are getting stale or fatigued from training on the field, not the gym.
      • Sometimes >90% of what they do happens on the field or court, not the gym.

      Yet so much of coach education is gym focussed. How much success can you drive if you get lost in the weeds of the 10% and the 90% is just a secondary thought? Other courses have it backwards and begins with discussion of one exercise over another, programming details, coaching cues because it feels immediately productive. 

      But until you add a 30,000ft view, a global perspective and the ability to zoom in and out of these modes you won’t realize your full coaching potential to influence athletes where it is felt: on the field or court,
      not the gym.

      Principles first, methods second

      Sport is inherently unpredictable. By its very nature you’re going to encounter problems every day that you’ve never dealt with before, especially as you progress through your career and deal with new or different forms of problems.

      Specific tools, methods or ways of doing things may work, but they work because the underlying principles are sound and the integrated systems they operate within allow for it. Until you take the time to understand the integrated nature of sport, and the principles that govern effective sports performance and development of athletic talent, you’re simply a coach with a hammer looking for nails. As soon as the circumstances or environment changes the methods based coach is destined to fail. Other Strength & Conditioning courses provides you with the hammer.

      The principles minded coach can simply adapt their approach to solve the problem with different tools. 
      This is the difference between being given fish and learning how to fish. It’s the difference between instructing others in exercise and being a coach. One is a lot more costly and time intensive than the other, but if you want to be truly successful and exert the maximum influence on your athletes careers, you need to take the road less travelled.

      You are not an island

      Strength and conditioning coaches cannot work in isolation. We need to understand that we are part of a high-performance team and department that is focused on athlete well being. Since we do not work in isolation - we cannot look at athlete's bodies in isolation and reductionistic lens:

      "If you lift them heavy, they'll get big and strong"

      "If they test poorly for conditioning, add a bunch of MAS intervals"

      "If you have a raft of hamstring injuries, add Nordics to the programming"

      The above thinking does not work. Each individual is an interconnected complex network of biological systems where all variables affect one another in unpredictable ways.

      The silo approach is damaging because it doesn’t account for the singular nature of the stress response, and the fact that the actions of other athlete stakeholders also eat into this limited capacity.

      Time to solve real world problems

      We feel the purpose of education is to solve real world problems.

      e decided to work backwards from the coaches at the very top of the field.

      We surveyed 60 coaches from the NFL, NBA, EPL, power 5 colleges, professional rugby and more and asked them what knowledge, skills and qualities they most value in their careers. 

      We asked what they have to spend the most amount of time on each year to bring their staff up to standard.

      And we asked what the biggest gaps are in the applied knowledge in strength & conditioning education.

      Then we got to work on filling those gaps. The end result is Strength Coach Network Fundamentals.

      Strength Coach Network Fundamentals

      In building the Strength Coach Network fundamentals course we asked ourselves "If we could lock our younger selves in a room for an intense weekend of learning, what would we want that coach to leave with that would jump them to the front of the job line, and drastically accelerate their professional development for the rest of their career?"

      The result is 20 hours of taught materials, with an additional 20 hours of self directed study and demonstrated learning, with a curriculum spans the gamut from the theoretical to the applied, from broad concepts to specific methods, from you as the individual to the organization you serve.

      Much like the Bible states about teaching a man to fish versus fishing for him. We're interested in teaching you just as much about how to think as what to do, and to provide you with the tools to thrive in whatever stage of your career that you're in.

      If you want a simple, "do this list" of things to copy, this is not for you. We want to turn you into a classically trained Chef- hard to teach, hard to replicate, high standards. But the food tastes better and people will ultimately pay a lot more for it.

      Sign up for Strength Coach Network Fundamentals and you'll get access to modules on key career development topics including:

      • Problem solving
      • Conditioning
      • Mental models
      • Risk management and decision making
      • Sport concepts
      • Stress physiology
      • Testing and statistics
      • Annual planning
      • Sprinting for field and court sports
      • Agility
      • Jumps and plyometrics
      • Power
      • Strength
      • Hypertrophy and local muscular endurance
      • Financial planning

      We've put together a holistic 360 degree curriculum of coach development. All modules are mixed media in nature- primarily video with supporting text and graphics. We provide an extensive supporting reading list of books and freely available papers to provide you with necessary background and context, and flesh out the concepts being discussed.

      You'll also get the opportunity to demonstrate your learning at the end of the course by taking a quiz. Be warned: this is not spoon feeding. You will not pass these quizzes by just skimming and guessing. This is the exactly the kind of stuff we are trying to combat. We purposefully made it so that you have to consume the full module to answer the questions! No thinking = no value!

      We've also included the ability to comment on each module in case you want to provide feedback, ask small questions or provide input about modules or materials that you want see from us in the future.

      Lastly, you will receive a certificate of completion good for 2.0 CEUs to the NSCA under category C. This is 33% of your CEUs for a 3 year reporting period!

      Get the answers you NEED to know

      The biggest benefit to a course like this is you're getting the answers to the exam. When dozens of elite level coaches are telling you "THIS is the stuff we want from our interns, GAs and assistants", we've done the hard work of researching and filtering for you.

      Now it's just on you to put in the time and the work. When you have you'll be that much further ahead of your peers who are either still figuring it out, or just ploughing ahead without addressing gaps in their development.

      The Strength Coach Network Fundamentals seeks to address the 4 Ps of career development:

      Personal- to build more efficient processes into your work, free up more time to be a human being and spend time with your loved ones.

      to equip yourself with the financial tools to earn your worth and be secure in your standard of living.

      Progression- to develop the necessary professional skills and knowledge to achieve your ultimate career goal.

      Purpose- to belong to something bigger than one's self and feel a sense of mission in your work (this one is on you, but if you've read this far, you probably have it) 

      We want to provide with the kind of information and mental tools to become a true high performance practitioner: to influence every aspect of your program by collaborating with other key athlete stakeholders from dietitians, to sport coaches to medical staff. In doing so you'll become the indispensable hub that all information and decision making passes through, a role that makes you easier to promote and pay well, and harder to fire. 

      Meet our course presenters:
      Dr Bryan Mann

      Professor, University of Texas A&M
      Powerlifter  & Author

      Two decades of NCAA Division 1 Coaching Experience
      Cameron Josse

      Athletic Performance Coach, Auburn University

      Former staff member, Onnit, DeFranco's training
      Nick DiMarco

      Director of Strength & Conditioning, Elon University

      Former UFA, Baltimore Ravens, PhD candidate
      Jake Tuura

      Founder, Jacked Athlete

      Former S&C, Youngstown State University
      Steffan Jones

      Dir. of Sport Performance, Wellington School, Founder, PaceLab

      Former dual professional athlete, consultant to IPL and pro baseball
      Allen Giese

      Founder, North Star Planning

      30+ years of experience as a wealth manager and financial advisor, several hundred million under management
      Dominic Matteo

      Precision Nutrition Coach

      Full time nutritional consultant & educator
      Keir Wenham-Flatt

      Founder, Strength Coach Network

      Rugby guy

      We're delighted to bring together a distinguished list of presenters who are extremely high level performers in their respective modules. Our main criteria was skin in the game. If you do not make your living getting results in the real world, you cannot contribute to this course.

      They bring DECADES of elite level of experience to the table, across a wide variety of sports, pairing the theoretical with the practical, and most importantly they get fired if they do shitty work or give shitty advice, which is the definition of skin in the game.

      Fundamentals 2 
      Do NOT be a victim of your own success

      A quick look at our field will tell you that the numbers do not work out. There are less junior assistants than interns. Fewer still senior assistants than junior assistants. Directors? Only one in any department! And High Performance Manager jobs are so rare that sometimes they don't even exist in organizations.

      At every level of our field, there are coaches who fall to the wayside. The most common reason for this failure is being a victim of the success that got you to the previous level, and repeating the same behaviors.

      An intern who gets by on being enthusiastic, working hard and always being available is still likely to get a paid job or recommendation elsewhere. But a High Performance Manager who relies on the same limited qualities to win championships will find himself or herself quickly fired. What got you here won't get you there.

      The job of being a strength and conditioning professional becomes more and more complex the higher you rise, and you and your coaching must evolve to match it if you are to rise up the coaching ladder and stay there.

      Get out of the dreaded middle

      Why is it that some coaches reach the very top of our field before the age of 30, but others languish as assistants for decades and plateau? We studied the fast risers and identified 3 major traits they share in common.

      We've made them the foundations of Strength Coach Network Fundamentals 2 so that you can implement them in your own development, while avoiding the mistakes that can keep you in the dreaded middle of our field- underpaid, overworked and easy to fire.

      1. Depth

      Captain obvious: the best coaches in the industry are masterful technicians. They pair broad theoretical knowledge with outstanding practical application. They always strike the target of right athlete, right training, right amount, right time.

      When training needs to be modified or adapted- for a particular time of year, a special population, or unusually high or low readiness to train- they do so quickly and efficiently. If the situation calls for more advanced training tools or methods, they're comfortable using them.

      In Fundamentals 1, we established the theoretical foundation by exploring the major training tools of the strength & conditioning coach and the underpinning mental models and processes. In Fundamentals 2, it's time to put that into practice and learn how to wield those tools like a master.

      2. Technology & systems

      Until you're measuring, you're guessing. The more often and more accurately you're able to gather data about the outcomes of the decision you've made, the better your ability to close the loop and iterate your work over time. You should be able to get progressively better results, faster and easier with each passing year of coaching.

      Those at the top of our field effectively leverage technology and systems to make data informed decisions and achieve higher quality, more consistent outcomes. As they rise up the ladder, this becomes important not just for training, but in the non-training processes occurring in the building each day AND in the people working in the building.

      "Dress for the job you want" says the cliche. Well, work for the job you want too. If you aspire to be a director or high performance manager at the highest level, you need to be able to effectively manage others and build systems into your department. Fundamentals 2 will get you on the right path.

      3. Integration

      We know that the stress response is singular in nature. All forms of stress tap into the same limited physical capacity to recover. Every athlete stakeholder from sport coaches, to medics, to strength coaches should account for this fact in every session they plan and every decision they make. But until that day, it is your job to help them do so.

      The most prominent, best paid high performance managers in our field are facilitators. They have a basic understanding of how everyone in the building does their job, how it affects their own work, and most importantly how they can help others to be more productive.

      They help everybody in the organisation to put the athlete at the centre of everything. They're the hub through which information flows and decisions are made. Not only is this the most effective performance model in team sports, it has the added benefit of making you highly paid and indispensable to your organisation.  

      Strength Coach Network Fundamentals 2

      In building Strength Coach Network Fundamentals 1 we asked ourselves "If we could lock our younger selves in a room for an intense weekend of learning, what would we want that coach to leave with that would jump them to the front of the job line, and dramatically accelerate their professional development for the rest of their career?"

      For Fundamentals 2 the question was "If we had a weekend to help you become the most effective senior assistant or Director of Strength & Conditioning you can be,  in the shortest space of time possible what would we teach you?"

      The result is another 20 hours of taught materials, with an additional 20 hours of self directed study and demonstrated learning. We've built upon the curriculum of Fundamentals 1 to put together a much more practically minded and applied curriculum that is all about one thing: results in the real world. We'll build upon old topics and explore new ones.

      Sign up for Strength Coach Network Fundamentals 2 and you'll get access to modules on key training topics including

      • Advanced Speed
      • Advanced Agility
      • Advanced Jump & Plyometrics
      • Advanced Power
      • Advanced Strength
      • Advanced Nutrition
      • Advanced Motor Learning
      • Rotational Power Development
      • Long Term Athletic Development
      • Return To Play
      • Tactical Periodization
      • Sport Technology
      • Performance Psychology
      • Systems & Management
      • Fluid Periodization

      We've put together the same holistically minded curriculum as Fundamentals 1 and then some more! Our goal is to make you the most well rounded practitioner possible.

      All modules are mixed media in nature- primarily video with supporting text and graphics. We provide an extensive supporting reading list of books and freely available papers to provide you with necessary background and context, and flesh out the concepts being discussed.

      You'll also get the opportunity to demonstrate your learning at the end of the course by taking a quiz. Be warned: this is not spoon feeding. You will not pass the quiz by just skimming and guessing. This is the exactly the kind of stuff we are trying to combat. We purposefully made it so that you have to consume the full module to answer the questions! No thinking = no value!

      We've also included the ability to comment on each module in case you want to provide feedback, ask small questions or provide input about modules or materials that you want see from us in the future.

      Lastly, you will receive a certificate of completion, which will award you 2.0 CEUs to the NSCA for completing the course. This represents 33% of your CEUs during a 3 year period. If you complete both Fundamentals 1 and Fundamentals 2 in a CEU reporting period that is 66% of your CEUs DONE!

      Meet our course presenters:

      As ever our primary criteria for our presenters was skin in the game. If you do not make your living getting results in the real world, you cannot contribute to this course, and each of these individuals has done so at the highest levels of sport.

      They bring DECADES of elite level of experience to the table, across a wide variety of sports, pairing the theoretical with the practical, and most importantly they get fired if they do shitty work or give shitty advice, which is the definition of skin in the game. 

      "How much is it going to cost me?"

      We’ve set the price of entry to these course at $999.99.

      This is $200 less than when you purchase the courses independent from one another.

      This is as an investment that will return many times that to you over the course of your long career, it should be an easy decision to make. Additionally you can have your university, organization, or team purchase the course with continuing education budget since you get 2.0 CEUs to the NSCA at the end of each course.That is 4.0 CEUs for a GREAT price.

      For comparison:

      If you compare Cal U Pennsylvania online 1 credit hour is between $322-$744. That is for ONE credit hour. One course is 3 credit hours. So that means one course for the semester will costs you $966-$2,322.

      Or if you look at Concordia University Chicago 1 credit hour is between $534-$1,068. So one course being 3 credit hours is between $1,602-$3,204 for the semester.

      That puts Fundamentals 1&2 Bundle STILL less than the price of 1 college course - and you get access to Fundamentals LONGER than you do the one course.

      Not only are these courses several times higher than Strength Coach Network Fundamentals, there is no guarantee that the content will be taught by top level pros who are telling you exactly what the high level organizations are crying out for. We offer more quality, more content, at a lower price than existing offerings in the marketplace. 

      Furthermore you'll get exclusive discounts to all Strength Coach Network memberships if you're not already a member, in addition to discounted pricing on the subsequent levels of this course series, and our future sport specific courses.

      Get ready to master The Fundamentals

      If you've made it this far you're probably tired: of the status quo of traditional strength & conditioning education, of doing what everyone else has done to get what everyone else has got. More importantly you probably want to do something about it. If you're ready to get started and you want to get your hands on our most in depth offering to date, and help us on our mission to change the face of strength and conditioning, click on the link below and we'll see you on the inside.

      Click here to sign up for The Fundamentals Bundle