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Author: Dr. Justin Lima | Posted: 6/7/2023 | Time to Read: minutes
How to Open a Private Gym with Little-To-No-Money
Find out if opening your own gym is the right move for you – it is not for the faint of heart
Everyone in health and fitness wants to own their own gym and be their own boss. Well at least that’s what I assume. Yes you want to help other people achieve their fitness goals and help them become more healthy. But no one wants to do that and have to listen to someone tell them when they have to train their clients or what programming to use. Thus why running and owning your own gym makes sense.

But when you are the one in charge, you are also the one responsible for the bills. This is a whole new ball game that most coaches, therapists, trainers have not learned. Find out how a former head strength and conditioning coach in the university setting transitioned to owning his own private gym. At first he had one location, now he has expanded to 3 locations on the west coast and is now opening a location on the east coast.

Earn respect through action.

The old adage “actions speak louder than words” is often used to remind us that it is our deeds, not our words, that truly matter. This is especially true when it comes to earning respect. It is not enough to simply talk about the things we are capable of or the values we have; we must put them into action in order to be respected. This is something that Tim Caron, a former collegiate strength coach turned private sector gym owner, knows all too well.

When Tim was assessing his future in the collegiate weight room, he realized that the long play for a college strength coach was often limited. He was intimidated by the idea of being the sole breadwinner for his family and suddenly losing his job due to arbitrary decisions. This fear of the unknown led him to take a chance and start his own gym, where he could control his own destiny.

Although it was a risky move, Tim had the support of former athletes who wanted to recreate their college experience for others. He also had the opportunity to be compensated for his time, something he could not do in the collegiate weight room. Despite his experience and knowledge, Tim still had to prove himself in the commercial fitness market. He quickly realized that no one was going to care about his credentials or certifications. He had to earn their respect through action. Relationships WILL get you hired NOT your cert

This meant going back to the basics and working as an intern every day. He had to show the people in his gym that he was capable of providing a unique and exceptional experience. Through hard work and dedication, Tim was able to do just that. He earned the respect of his clients and colleagues alike, and his gym has been thriving ever since.

In the end, it is clear that respect can only be earned through action. We can talk all we want about our capabilities and values, but until we put them into practice, they mean nothing. Tim Caron is a prime example of this, having gone from a collegiate strength coach to a successful gym owner. His story is a reminder that respect can be achieved through hard work and dedication, and that no matter how intimidating the task may seem, anything is possible if we are willing to put in the effort. Make money opening your own gym

Bet on yourself.

Tim’s journey began when he decided to bet on himself and take a leap of faith. After six years of working in the collegiate system, he decided to open up his own gym. This was a huge gamble, as he had to put his own money on the line and leave the security of his job behind. He was also taking a risk in terms of what type of gym he wanted to open. He chose to focus on jump hop, a style of training that wasn’t as popular as other forms of exercise. Despite the risks, Tim was determined to make it work.

And his hard work paid off. After 18 months of dedication and sacrifice, his business began to take off. He had to overcome a lot of fear and uncertainty to reach this point. He had to face the fear of the unknown and the fear of failure. He had to stay strong and trust in his own abilities to make it through. He also had to be patient and stay focused on his long-term goals.

His story is inspiring because it shows us that if we are willing to take a chance and bet on ourselves, anything is possible. It is a reminder that no matter how difficult the task may seem, if we stay focused and put in the effort, we can achieve our goals. It also teaches us the importance of respect. Tim earned the respect of his peers and clients through his hard work and dedication. He reminds us that respect is something we must earn through our actions, not something we can expect to receive.

Tim’s story is a reminder that if we are willing to take a chance and bet on ourselves, anything is possible. It teaches us the importance of respect and shows us that hard work and dedication can lead to success. It is an inspiring example of how we can achieve our goals if we stay focused and put in the effort.

Doing this might seem scary, but think about the alternative. Leaving the college world for the military is not as easy as you might think. To find out more about it click here and read the article by Justin Kuehn.

Start with a plan B.

Tim’s story begins with him opening up a gym with nothing but a dream and a lot of hard work. He was so determined to make his dream a reality that he worked hard to break the inertia and plow through. He had to eat into his savings and it was a lot more stressful than it had to be. Despite the obstacles, Tim persevered and eventually was able to open the gym.

The lesson we can learn from Tim’s story is to always start with a plan B. It is important to have a backup plan in case things don’t go as planned. Having a plan B can give us the confidence to take risks and make decisions that can lead to success. It can also give us the courage to stand up for ourselves and not be afraid to speak our minds. You NEED this to fund your business

His story also shows us the importance of having a platform. His success was built on the back of his online presence and the followers he had built up. This is a reminder that having a platform and a presence online can be a powerful tool in achieving our goals. Tim’s story is a great example of how hard work and dedication can lead to success. It teaches us the importance of having a plan B and a platform, and shows us that if we are willing to take a chance and bet on ourselves, anything is possible.

Train smarter, not harder.

The story begins when Tim was tasked with improving the performance of a football team that was underperforming. After analyzing the data, he realized that the team was not as prepared for high-stress situations as they should be. He and his team brainstormed ways to make the team think more and be more prepared for challenging situations.

One of the solutions they came up with was to create competitions and engage the players in more cognitively stimulating activities. This was done by introducing different colors and other elements into the environment that would help to engage the players. It worked, and the team started to see improvements.

The lesson here is that sometimes it’s not about working harder, but working smarter. Tim and his team realized that they didn’t need to put the players through more physical training, but rather focus on engaging their minds and making them think in more challenging situations. This allowed them to be better prepared for high-stress situations and ultimately led to their success.

The moral of the story is that it’s important to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems. Working smarter, not harder, is a great way to achieve success. It’s important to remember that hard work and dedication are essential, but that sometimes the best way to succeed is to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.

Monetize your skill set.

One way to achieve success is to monetize your skill set. This means understanding what skills you have and how you can use them to create value for yourself and others. It’s important to recognize the value of your skills and to think about how you can use them to make money. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as freelancing, consulting, teaching, and starting a business.

When it comes to monetizing your skill set, it’s important to have a plan. You need to know what skills you have and how you can use them to create value. You also need to know what kind of market you’re entering and how you can best position yourself in it. It’s also important to have a backup plan in case things don’t go as planned. If you have a backup plan, you can be more confident in your ability to make a living and fight for what’s right.

The ability to monetize your skill set is a great way to achieve success. It’s important to recognize the value of your skills and to think about how you can use them to make money. It’s also important to have a plan and a backup plan in case things don’t go as planned. With the right attitude and a willingness to think outside the box, you can achieve success and monetize your skill set.

Don’t challenge authority unless…

However, it’s important to remember that when it comes to challenging authority, it’s important to be mindful of the consequences. This is especially true when it comes to working in a corporate setting. As the podcast transcript shows, there is a power imbalance between the head coach and the strength coach. The head coach has the power to hire and fire at will and has an immense amount of leverage. This means that the strength coach has to be very careful when it comes to challenging the head coach’s decisions.

Challenging authority can be a risky move, and it’s important to consider the consequences before doing so. While it’s important to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, it’s also important to remember that there are repercussions for challenging authority. It’s important to be mindful of the power imbalance and to understand that challenging authority can have serious consequences.

At the same time, it’s important to remember that challenging authority can be a positive thing. It can lead to positive change and can help to create a more equitable and just society. It’s important to remember that challenging authority is not always a bad thing and can be a valuable tool when used correctly. Stop being a kiss ass – tell people the TRUTH!

In conclusion, it’s important to remember that challenging authority is not always a bad thing. However, it’s important to consider the consequences and to be mindful of the power imbalance. It’s important to understand that challenging authority can have serious consequences and should be done with caution. At the same time, it’s important to remember that challenging authority can be a positive thing and can lead to positive change.

So do not do so unless you are willing to “pay the price”. However, there is always a price to be paid. You are paying with your time and family when you are a slave to the university, coach, and administrator that you work for. Rather than building their system and being on their time – follow Tim’s advice and build your own facility. And like they said in the movie Field of Dreams, if you build it they will come.