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Author: Keir Wenham-Flatt | Posted: 7/6/2021 | Time to Read: minutes
The BEST Way to Train Strength and Power

Velocity Based Training, like many methods in strength and conditioning, comes and goes in waves. Sometimes it’s all the rage and then it seems to drop off a cliff and no one touches it. Those that don’t utilise VBT often can’t because it can be difficult to incorporate it into large programs. Whether it’s because of the number of units required and the cost associated with this. Or the need for putting a system in place with certain cut-offs that athletes will actually adhere to on their own, on balance the juice doesn’t become worth the squeeze. Although, here at Strength Coach Network we can solve one of those problems, as we’ve actually created a handy cheat sheet in our member’s area that helps with VBT zones and another cheat sheet that provides some great heuristics so you can implement it with a large group if you have the units available.

However, logistics aside there’s no questioning how impactful VBT can be for not only training power but also strength. This can allow you to individualise your programming to a whole new level. Now, before you run out and buy a VBT device there are still some drawbacks, a couple of those I mentioned above. But it’s worth hearing both sides of the argument from one of the best coaches out there when it comes to strength and power training.

In this clip, you’ll get to listen to the GOAT of VBT, Bryan Mann.

Bryan discusses a number of areas:

  • What VBT does
  • Velocity vs Power
  • How to integrate VBT into the annual plan
  • Issues with VBT 

Bryan also discusses how he went out for dinner with a neuroscientist and how they were discussing rhythms. This led to Bryan discovering peaks and valleys in his athletes and the impact that academic stress had on physical performance. Bryan actually released a research paper highlighting the impact of high academic stress vs low academic stress and the effect this had on his athlete’s readiness. You can check out this paper by clicking here!

This clip gives you a good idea of what the whole presentation will entail.
